Wednesday, February 16, 2011

how to add a line break to your cell in excel

I'm guessing that a thousand monkey's on a thousand computers could have wrapped this dilemma up in a couple minutes, it took me closer to ten.

All I was trying to do was make this: Before Breakfast
Look like this: Before

I tried pressing enter, I tried holding down the spacebar, I tried a bunch of clicking and pressing and ctrl+ and shift+ and blah blah blah blah blah before finally stumbling upon alt+enter.

Pressing enter by itself just takes you to the cell below.

If you want enter to work the way it works everywhere else, you need to hold the alt key and press enter. Pretty simple, but really annoying if you're as dumb as I can be.

How to add a line break to your cell in excel:
  1. Place your cursor where you want the line break to existing.
  2. Press alt+enter.
  3. Smile.