Tuesday, September 7, 2010

how to uninstall lightscribe

how to uninstall lightscribe

Open the Lightscribe folder and look for an installer package labeled LS_HSI. Double-click/run the LS_HSI file. That should get the job done.

You can also use a program like CCleaner to remove it.
  1. Open CCleaner.
  2. Click Tools.
  3. Click Uninstall.
  4. Search for Lightscribe.
  5. Select it.
  6. Click Run Installer.

Friday, September 3, 2010

how to download youtube videos

how to download youtube videos

2010 is coming to an end and people still don't know how to rip videos from youtube. I've seen tutorials that make no sense and tutorials that force the user to install pirated software to get the job done. There are many ways to rip videos from youtube... here's how I do it.

1. Install firefox.

2. Go here and install the videodownloadhelper add-on.

3. Restart your browser.

4. Go to the youtube video you want to download.

5. Download it using the newly installed videodownloadhelper add-on.

  • When you open the youtube video page, you'll see the icon light up and animate.
  • Click the down arrow beside the icon and choose the what quality you want to download the video in. Sometimes there's 1 option, sometimes there's 5 or 6.
  • Once you've selected the video quality, a dialog screen will open and you can select where you want to save the video.
  • Click save and you're wait.
  • When the video is done, use VLC or something and watch that video like there's no tomorrow.